Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Embedded Popup Help for Column Heading in Grid

Recently I was asked how to add popup help to a column header in a grid.  My approach was to use the Embedded Popup Help that you can configure on the grid properties.

This embedded popup help will add an image to the grid header, for most people this should be enough help to assist the user on what actions to perform.

However, if your super users insist on having this help on the label for the specific column then just use jQuery to move the help icon.

var myId = "hlpimg"+ + "divZZ_RECRUITERS\\$0";
require(['jquery'], function ($) {
        $(document).ready(function() {
Above I am using jQuery to move the popup help element to be between the label and the table data that allows you to resize the column header.

Here is the end results:

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