Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Unified Navigation Setup

If you are looking for a good resource for setting up Unified Navigation check out this Blog Post at Remote PSAdmin.  Now if you get through this blog and everything is working through the folder setup, but not in your Navigation Collections? Then you need to look a these additional setup steps.

One, make sure all users have access to the PTCS_GETAUTHORIZATION service operation in all environments that are going to utilize Unified Navigation.  This Service Operation is used in the PORTAL_CREF_ADM.PORTAL_OBJNAME FieldFormula peoplecode when building the user's homepage to determine if they have access to links within Navigation Collections or Pagelets from remote nodes.  

Second, make sure that your portal URI for your content provider matches the Integration Broker node for that content provider. So when you define a remote node for a navigation collection and you use the HRMS node in your Portal environment there is a function, isIBNetworkNode, in the PORTAL_CREF_ADM.PORTAL_OBJNAME FieldFormula peoplecode that is using the Portal URI to match the Portal Node to the Integration Broker node.  If this function cannot match your HRMS nodes Portal URI to an Integration Broker portal URI then it will not fire the message from step one and your Navigation Collection link will not be presented to your users.

HCM nodes defined in my Portal Environment.

Excel to CI Webinar

In case you missed my first ever Webinar you can find it here.

And here is the documentation you will want to have handy while watching the webinar.