Friday, May 24, 2013

Delegation Framework for Approving Custom AWE

I am working on a custom AWE that I am building for a bolt-on Requisition component for implementing a third party recruiting system.  Here is a great resource for building your own custom AWE transaction.  Since the third party's system used a manual workflow, I recommended that we approve the requisitions in PeopleSoft, since AWE is such a powerful tool and can easily handle most workflow scenarios.  But when the user's asked for this new workflow to utilize Delegation Frame work, I had to do some research.  Since I was only tasked with configuring the transaction for approval, that is all I will be covering in this post.

First, you need to Register you transaction by navigating to Set Up HRMS>>Common Definitions>>Approvals>>Workflow Transactions.  Add a row to the Grid and configure your custom AWE transaction.  I used my AWE process id as the transaction Name, select a category and give it a description.

On the Details2 Tab associate your Process Id and configure the delegation options of Initiation and/or Approvals.  For this blog we are only configuring the Approval option.


Next we have to create a role that will grant the user access to the Approval component when they have been set a proxy. This role should be unique to the Delegation transaction you are configuring. PeopleSoft also recommends you follow a naming convention of "Delegate_".  But since we have a naming standard of "ZZ_HR" in our system, I went with "ZZ_HR_DELEGATE_REQ_APPR".       

Now we are ready to Configure our transaction for Delegation approval.  Navigate to Set Up HRMS>>Common Definitions>>Delegation>>Configure Transactions and Add a new value for our custom transaction, then enter our Delegate Role and the component used to approve our transaction.


Finally, navigate to your custom AWE transaction using Enterprise Components>>Approvals>>Approvals>>Transaction Configuration.  Once there add the HCSC_USER_UTILITIES application package and the UserUtilities path to the User Utilities configuration.

 Now your users can delegate approvals to your custom AWE process id. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for this valuable info. What was missing for me is the trick of HCSC_USER_UTILITIES to be added in the transaction configuration.

    Christine D.
