Thursday, February 18, 2016

PeopleSoft Exit Interview

Been really busy lately supporting our newly upgraded HCM and Interaction Hub environments on top of trying to get all the ACA updates from Oracle.   All of this work has kept me from doing any blog post, however, the other day I was talking to my one of my clients and friends that works in our HR systems team and he was telling me about how we do exit interviews in Survey Monkey.  But the major issue with the survey was the lack of accurate demographic data that is collected by the Survey.

Right away I thought that we might be able to use Related Actions to link the demographic data from PeopleSoft to feed the Survey Monkey Exit Interview.  My first step was to look into Survey Monkey and see if I could pass the data in a query string, and their documentation pointed to Custom Variables.

The use of Custom variable allows you to pass data to the survey and this would eliminate the interviewer from having to collect this information.  I would only need to figure out how to tie the survey to the employee.  The logical choice was to use related actions to tie the survey to an employee.  So I created the following related content service and tied it to the Job Data Component using the emplid key to pass to my service.

As you can see I used an iScript to collect the data and redirect the request to the Survey Monkey URL.

   rem other code not shown selected most data from ps_employees;
   &queryString = "?EMPLID=" | &emplid;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&FIRST_NAME=" | &fname;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&LAST_NAME=" | &lname;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&FULLNAME=" | &utility.getUserNamebyEmplid(&emplid);
   &queryString = &queryString | "&GENDER=" | &gender;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&Ethnicity=" | ðnicDescr;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&VETERAN=" | &vetDescr;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&Manager=" | &utility.getUserNamebyEmplid(&mId);
   &queryString = &queryString | "&Region=" | ®ion;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&LOB=" | Substitute(&lobDescr, "&", "%26");
   &queryString = &queryString | "&Title=" | &title;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&JOBCODE=" | &jobcode;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&KEY_CORE=" | &KEY_CORE;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&LOBEC=" | &utility.getUserNamebyEmplid(&lobec);
   &queryString = &queryString | "&Regional=" | ®MgrName;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&Tenure=" | &tenure;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&Date=" | %Date;
   &queryString = &queryString | "&Interviewer=" | &utility.getUserNamebyOprid(%UserId);
   If %DbName = "HCMPRD" Then
      &url = GetURL(URL.ZZ_EXIT_INTERVIEW) | &queryString;
      &url = GetURL(URL.ZZ_EXIT_INTERVIEW_TEST) | &queryString;

Now when the Interviewer goes to Job Data they have a related Action to perform an exit interview.  This will open a new window with the exit interview in the targetcontent frame pre populated with the demographic data needed to analyze turnover.


  1. good way of extending the PeopleSoft. I think we should be able to do many more without much customization to PeopleSoft !!

    1. I agree. We have very few customizations here, only 62 total objects in our HCM environment are customized. And we should be able to get rid of some of these when we upgrade our tools to 8.55. When we upgraded from 9.1 to 9.2 our development for the upgrade was complete in less than 2 days!

    2. Oh how I wish more sites had fewer (or maybe just better thought out) customizations. Sadly, it seems unusual for sites to "do it better" or make use of the new features in the applications or tools during an upgrade so a lot of "old school" developments just get brought forward.
