I use them in DataPower, IBM's SOA device to navigate to commonly used tools, such as the xpath finder and I use them in PeopleSoft to turn trace on and off and to navigate to the msgLog.html and errorLog.html for integration broker.
To create a new bookmarklet in Chrome, right click on the bookmark and select "New Page"
Then add a descriptions like msgLog and past this JavaScript funtion in the url:
javascript:void(window.open(window.location.href.replace(/(^[^:]*:\/\/[^/]*).*$/g,'$1') +'/PSIGW/msgLog.html').focus())
Repeat this for the errorLog.html and add the following JavaScript to the url:
javascript:void(window.open(window.location.href.replace(/(^[^:]*:\/\/[^/]*).*$/g,'$1') +'/PSIGW/errorLog.html').focus())