Wednesday, August 7, 2013

jQuery-Tree Project

This is a project on github that turns an HTML unordered list into a tree. And trees make navigating hierarchical data like department, structured via a department tree, or position data very intuitive.   I personally have enjoyed playing around with this project and believe it could be utilized to make PeopleSoft more user friendly when combined with workcenter pages.  So in this post I would like to show how you can create an HTML unordered list using position data and play around with this project.

First we need to create an HTML unordered lists.  That is where the previous post comes in, in that post I showed how you can use CTE to compare the current row to the next row or even the previous row.  If we change the sql just a bit to use a union rather than a left outer join it will simplify how we can use the sql to generate our html list.

This is the SQL I used in Oracle (please note the orgcode is only populated after the POS006A.sqr is run):

With Cte  As (Select Rownum Rownumber, Position_Nbr, Length(Orgcode)/ 3 As Level1    From Ps_Position_Data Where Orgcode Like (Select Orgcode||'%' From Ps_Position_Data X Where X.Position_Nbr = '?' And X.Orgcode > ' ')  Order By Orgcode)
 Select c1.rownumber,case c1.rownumber when 1 then '<ul class="org"><li><span>' else '<li><span>' end  As linebegin ,C1.Position_Nbr, CASE  WHEN C2.Level1 < C1.Level1 THEN '</span></li>'|| RPAD ('</ul>', LENGTH('</ul>')*(C1.Level1 - C2.Level1), '</ul>') ELSE Case C2.Level1 - C1.Level1 When 0 Then '</span></li>' Else  '</span><ul>'   End END As Htmlend  From Cte C1 , Cte C2 Where C1.Rownumber = C2.Rownumber - 1 
 Select Lastrow.Rownumber,'<li><span>' As linebegin ,Lastrow.Position_Nbr,  '</span></li>'||Rpad ('</ul>', Length('</ul>')*(Lastrow.Level1 - Firstrow.Level1), '</ul>') Endline From Cte Lastrow, Cte Firstrow Where Lastrow.Rownumber = (Select Count(*) From Cte) And Firstrow.Rownumber = 1 ;

 Use this SQL and replace the '?' mark with a position number that has multiple reports, for the purpose of this exercise, don't use the CEO, pick someone with a fair amount of direct reports, in my case I picked 02010087, because he had 103 direct and indirect reports.  Also use someone who has multiple levels below them.  Run the SQL and copy the results  (Minus the rownumber column)

<ul class="org"><li><span>    02010087    </span><ul>
<li><span>    02007923    </span><ul>
<li><span>    02008014    </span></li>
<li><span>    02008027    </span></li>
<li><span>    02008041    </span></li>
<li><span>    02008165    </span></li>
<li><span>    02009161    </span></li>
<li><span>    02010837    </span></li>
<li><span>    02011087    </span></li>
<li><span>    02019820    </span></li>
<li><span>    02020540    </span></li>
<li><span>    02020652    </span></li>
<li><span>    02020752    </span></li>
<li><span>    02020849    </span></li></ul>...:

Take your results and test them out using w3schools
If you copy your sql results (without the rownumber) between the <body> tag and press the submit code button your results should look like this:

 Now if we add the JavaScript we can even test the jQuery Tree right here!

Add this JavaScript after the <HTML> Tag and press the submit code button:

<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
   $(document).ready(function( ) {
     $('').tree({default_expanded_paths_string : 'all'});

 Now if you change your HTML to make the Position number to a link to some content regarding the position number and show the title and maybe even the incumbent, then this could be turned into a pagelet that would work really well within a workcenter. 

Thank you! Enrico Pilotto for a very cool project! 

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