This is a bookmarklet I use for Oracle Support, it has been working for a couple of weeks. Click the button below to copy the bookmarklet and search it for the sting "" and replace this with your Oracle sign on email address and replace the 'yourpassword' text with your Oracle support password. If want to make it more secure you can add a input similar to the switch user bookmarklet in the previous post.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Bookmarklet for Switching Users
Here is a neat bookmarklet for switching users for testing purposes. It requires the user id and password to be the same, this is pretty common testing scenario.
Had to make some modifications to the orginal posting to allow it to work with IE, but leaving my original bookmarklet below that works well with Firefox and Chrome. Use the Click to Copy button to copy the bookmarklet to your clipboard.
Had to make some modifications to the orginal posting to allow it to work with IE, but leaving my original bookmarklet below that works well with Firefox and Chrome. Use the Click to Copy button to copy the bookmarklet to your clipboard.
javascript:var pswd = prompt("Enter TestUser", "");if (pswd!= null) {^\/ps[pc]\/(.+?\/)(.+?\/)(.+?\/)/);;l=l+"/psp/"+var1[1]+"?cmd=login";d=document;f=d.createElement("form");h=d.createElement("input");h1=d.createElement("input");f.setAttribute("method","post"); f.setAttribute("action", l);h1.setAttribute("type","hidden");h1.setAttribute("name","pwd");h1.setAttribute("value",pswd );h.setAttribute("type","hidden");h.setAttribute("name","userid");h.setAttribute("value",pswd);f.appendChild(h);f.appendChild(h1);d.body.appendChild(f);f.submit();}
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Rebuilding Component Interface's Structure
We have added custom pages to components like JOB_DATA and PERSONAL_DATA to track organization specific data associated to those transactions. I consider these types of customization as high value as they tend to meet the business needs without much maintenance. But one of the maintenance cost is rebuilding the component interfaces that are built off of these two components, often when you add a custom page to the component you will need to also modify the delivered component interface's structure. Simply search for objects that related to your modified component and start opening the component interfaces, if you get this error message then you should rebuild the CI's structure.
Simply open the CI and search for the Red 'X' over the Collection that needs to be rebuilt.
In the image above you can see that the COLL_JOB_USF needs to be fixed, to correct this delete the Collection and re-add it back to the CI. Then you will need to re-label all the Properties to "PROP_" or "KEYPROP" and the Collection to "COLL_". The Collection is of just one item so just key that manually, however the Properties can be a whole bunch of items. In this example I had 125 to key, use the sql below to update all the properties to 'PROP_'.
Then add the 'KEY' to the KEY fields in the Collection.